created this site to share my passion for scrapbooking with everyone else who
enjoys it too. I hope you find something here that inspires you.
Check out the new layouts! There a quite a few new
ones. Especially Kids' and Holidays.
Focus on Photos is a new
section that will hopefully inspire you to make your photos the focus of your
layout and will help you to find ways to best showcase those photos.
Stuck on an idea for a title, or the perfect words to complete
your journaling? The Titles & Poems
Section is sure to provide some inspiration.
ABC Albums-I've included new ideas
for ABC albums including a special album you can make for a friend.
Font Links--If
you're still apprehensive about using your own handwriting in page titles and
journaling, here are a few links where you can download free fonts to use in
your scrapbooking.

day has not been wasted if a memory has been made."